Brainfuck - HackTheBox
Name: Brainfuck
OS: Linux
Starting a port scan with nmap:
We can scan with nmap scripts for version and vulnerabilities associated with the ports mentioned above:
- Port 22 – OpenSSH 7.2p2 – Username Enumeration
- Port 25 – Postfix smtpd
- Port 110 – Dovecot pop3d
- Ports 143 – Dovecot imapd
- Ports 443 – nginx 1.10.0
Virtual domains
We can see into ssl-cert of the server Nginx that brainfuck.htb and sup3rs3cr3t.brainfuck.htb are a valid hostnames, so we will add them in /etc/hosts.
Next, we can browse to the URL https://brainfuck.htb. It is a Wordpress site according the description of the website. In the sup3rs3cr3t.brainfuck.htb URL we can see a forum where only they can write: admin and orestis.
User Enumeration
We have got a 2 possible users: admin and orestis.
WordPress Vulns
It is a good idea to research vulnerabilities in WordPress. We can use wpscan (without TLS Checks):
This command return a lot of information about the page, but it is important to look for plugins with vulnerabilities, because they are the typical way to attack these systems. Searchsploit returns valuable data:
If we read the PoC of Privilege Escalation (41006 in searchsploit), we can see a HTML with a POST call to a . We should edit the value of username with a valid user. As we had an admin user we tried with him.
We found a clue in the WordPress posts. We must look for more information in the SMTP service.
WordPress Reverse Shell 404 Template
We can attack this machine with a reverse shell in PHP into the 404 error template. We can login into dashboard and edit the template. At first glance we will not see the template but it inherits from another theme (Specia).
We must edit the IP and port (if you want) with the php-reverse-shell (pentestmonkey):
Wrong way! “You need to make this file writable before you can save your changes.”
SMTP and POP3 - Port 25 and Port 1110
We can see the credentials of the user oretis in a plugin of WordPress called Easy WP SMTP:
orestis – kHGuERB29DNiNE
In SMTP service we cannot login because it is disabled. Instead, we can try logging in on port 110 (POP3) with the same credentials:
Login into Sup3rs3cr3t Forum
orestis – kIEnnfEKJ#9UmdO
We can see 2 posts interesting. One, where they say about a SSH Key encrypted and other post we can see a URL encrypted. We can see a simple encryption, like Caesar Substitution and we have a sentence encrypted and plain-text (sign of orestis messages):
Wejmvse - Fbtkqal zqb rso rnl cwihsf
Qbqquzs - Pnhekxs dpi fca fhf zdmgzt
Orestis - Hacking for fun and profit
First, we need to identify the type of cypher:
The cypher is Vigenere and it uses a cipher based on a key that spans the length of the phrase (if it is not large enough). By having a plaintext phrase and an encrypted phrase we can find out the key with which it encrypts because it is possible to do the reverse operation (correctly ordering the characters that come out cyclically repeated because the key is shorter than the phrase to encrypt).
With a key to decrypt a string we could decrypt a possible ssh key URL. That’s right!
Crack id_rsa (ssh2john)
Next, we have a id_rsa but there is a passphrase that we do not know. We can break the passphrase with John The Ripper and ssh2john (because the tool needs it in that format to work correctly). Then, with the list rockyou.txt we will crack the passphrase.
- Passphrase: 3poulakia!
User Flag
With the passphrase it is trivial:
Root Flag – Priv Escalation (lxd/lxc Group)
With (shared with ‘python3 -m http.server’) we can see a vuln about lxd/lxc Group. We have taken the following guide to scale and get the flag we can do it by searching a file called root.txt (method 2 without connection):—privilege-escalation